Flights between Georgia…

July 28, 2020 21:07 JSThappy
Tbilisi, GEORGIA

Destination updates

Flights between Georgian capital city of Tbilisi and Latvian capital of Riga will resume on August 5, announces the Ministry of Economy of Georgia.
Flights will be carried out by the flag carrier of Latvia, airBaltic.
Georgian Economy Minister Natia Turnava said that Georgian citizens will be able to visit the Baltic states, and that visitors from Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will be able to travel to Georgia as well.
Turnava also said that the flights will be carried out only once a week due to the epidemiological situation while from August 20, flight frequency will be increased to two flights in a week.
Tbilisi-Paris and Tbilisi-Munich are also scheduled to resume in August.
Air France will carry out two flights a week starting early August from Paris Charles de Gaulle and Tbilisi International Airports and German airline Lufthansa will carry out flights two times a week, linking Tbilisi and Munich.

Current situation in Georgia, Tbilisi and Destination updates. #1

Local news from Keti


Oct. 19, 2021

Local news

Head of Georgia's National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) Amiran Gamkrelidze has stated that a fifth wave of Covid-19 has already started in the country, noting that ‘vaccination is the solution.
Overall, 907,106 people are fully vaccinated in Georgia as of today and 1,013,507 people have received at least one dose of the vaccine.
However, the daily rate of vaccination has reached the lowest level in the country yesterday with only 2,260 individuals getting the jab.
The Georgian government aims to vaccinate 30,000 people daily in order to reach its vaccination goal of 60% of the country’s population by the end of this year.
Therefore, the vaccination marathon was launched yesterday involving about 50 villages in various regions of Georgia and aiming to raise awareness about the benefits of vaccination.


Oct. 19, 2021

Local news

The government of Latvia has donated a total of 83,070 doses of the Pfizer vaccine to Georgia.
As of now, 322,903 doses of the Pfizer vaccine are available in Georgia.
However, Pfizer is the only vaccine which is available for individuals starting 16 years of age and older. Meanwhile, Georgian citizens over the age of 50, individuals with chronic diseases and high-risk groups will be given a third dose (booster shot) of the Covid-19 vaccine as well.

State and health officials keep on calling the citizens to wear face masks, maintain social distance, wash hands and get vaccinated amid the increasing number of the new cases of Covid-19, which has reached 5,076 over the last 24 hours in Georgia.


Oct. 19, 2021

Latest COVID-19 conditions

Georgia has reported 5,739 new cases of coronavirus, 2,082 recoveries and 36 deaths in the past 24 hours. The positivity rate has gone up to 10.15% of tested individuals for Covid-19 as of October 18 in comparison to 8.64% of the last two weeks.
In addition, 1,257 patients are in critical condition of which 270 are on artificial ventilation.
As of today, 29,935 individuals are in self-isolation and 61 individuals are under quarantine.
Since February 26, 2020 Georgia has had 670,552 cases of coronavirus, 616,937 recoveries and 9,546 deaths.