COVID-19 risks
Oct. 19, 2022, midnight
In light of the general improvement in the global infection situation and the fact that the G7 countries have already canceled the designation of levels by country and region, all the new coronavirus infectious disease risk information was announced on October 19. The world is uniformly set to level 1 (please be careful).
Aug. 24, 2022, midnight
On August 24, the infectious disease risk information for 41 countries was changed from level 3 (recommendation to avoid travel) to level 2 (please refrain from non-essential travel), and the infectious disease risk information for 55 countries/regions was changed to level 2. The level has been lowered from (Please refrain from unnecessary and non-urgent travel) to Level 1 (Please be careful).
July 25, 2022, midnight
On July 23, Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the global outbreak of monkeypox a "public health emergency of international concern." According to the WHO, more than 16,000 cases of monkeypox infection in 75 countries and regions have been reported so far, and the infection is spreading worldwide.
July 1, 2022, midnight
Although the infection status of the new corona varies depending on the situation in each country and region, the risk of death and aggravation has decreased, and deregulation at the water's edge and in Japan has also been seen, especially in countries where vaccination is progressing worldwide. I'm on the way. Based on these trends, the infectious disease risk information level is now available after comprehensively considering the actual conditions of each country / region, such as the status of infection, vaccination status, infectious disease control / medical system, and status of various measures in each country / region. Was reviewed.
May 26, 2022, midnight
Although the infection status of the new corona varies depending on the situation in each country and region, the number of new infections and deaths is declining worldwide, and the risk of death and aggravation is mainly in countries where vaccination is progressing. Is declining, and regulations are being relaxed at the water's edge and in Japan. Based on these trends, the infectious disease risk information level is now available after comprehensively considering the actual conditions of each country / region, such as the status of infection, vaccination status, infectious disease control / medical system, and status of various measures in each country / region. Was reviewed.
April 1, 2022, midnight
The level of infectious disease risk information should be reviewed after comprehensively considering the actual situation of each country / region, such as the number of newly infected people in each country / region, vaccination status, infectious disease control / medical system, and status of various measures. It was made. As a result, infectious disease risk information has been reduced from Level 3 "Recommendation for suspension of travel" to Level 2 "Please stop unnecessary and unurgent travel" in 106 countries.
Nov. 29, 2021, midnight
As the infection may spread further, please be informed and try to prevent the infection.
Nov. 29, 2021, midnight
As the infection may spread further, please be informed and try to prevent the infection.
Aug. 13, 2021, midnight
As the infection may spread further, please obtain the latest information and try to prevent the infection.
May 18, 2021, midnight
Coronavirus infections are still spreading worldwide, with more than 160 million confirmed infections and more than 3 million deaths worldwide. Although the number of infected people is decreasing in North America and Europe, the situation continues to require caution, such as the remarkable spread of infection in South Asia.
Based on this situation, the infectious disease risk information level in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Saint Lucia, Thailand, East Timor, and Mongolia has been newly set to Level 2 by comprehensively considering various situations including the deterioration of the infection situation. "Please stop unnecessary and unurgent travel" has been raised to Level 3 "Travel Cancellation Recommendation".
Oct. 30, 2020, midnight
As the infection may spread further, please obtain the latest information and try to prevent the infection.
Travel advisories from local embassies and consulates
Information from the past two weeks.
Table of contents
- Feb. 6, 2025, 6:51 a.m. Demonstration by transport companies, etc. (Thursday, February 6)
- Feb. 1, 2025, 7:21 a.m. State of Emergency extended for Putumayo and Mariscal Ramon Castilla counties in Loreto
- Feb. 1, 2025, 7:16 a.m. Extension and new declaration of a state of emergency in parts of the provinces of Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Cusco and Junin
- Jan. 30, 2025, 6:31 a.m. Updated Peru Travel Safety Information (October-December 2024)
Demonstration by transport companies, etc. (Thursday, February 6)
Feb. 6, 2025, 6:51 a.m.
1 According to reports, on Thursday, February 6th, there is a possibility that some unofficial transport operators and others who wish for improvements in public safety will hold unexpected demonstrations across a wide area of Peru, including Lima (time and route unknown). Please exercise caution in the vicinity of demonstrations, and do not approach if you come across a demonstration.
2 In past demonstrations, some transport companies continued to operate buses as usual during demonstrations, which caused resentment from the transport companies that were holding the demonstrations, leading to stones being thrown by the demonstrators. If you are using buses in Lima during demonstrations, please be careful of stones being thrown.
3. The situation in Peru is fluid. Those who are planning to travel or stay in the country, as well as those already in the country, are advised to take the following safety precautions and exercise caution to avoid being caught up in unforeseen situations such as demonstrations, crime, or natural disasters.
(1) Make efforts to obtain the latest security information through media reports and other sources.
(2) Keep your belongings to a minimum and carry them out of sight. Always carry your identification.
(3) Be cautious even in places that usually seem relatively safe.
(4) If you encounter a robber, do not resist under any circumstances, as resistance may lead to injury or even murder. Instead, act with your personal safety as your first priority.
(5) If a demonstration or other event is taking place, do not approach it. If you encounter a demonstration or other event, leave the area immediately.
(6) Unless necessary, avoid going near government agencies or police facilities that could become targets if protests turn violent.
(7) When traveling or staying in an area, allow yourself more time than usual in case road and airport closures occur.
4. The Japanese government has issued risk information levels 1 (take ample caution) and 2 (avoid non-essential travel) and 3 (avoid all travel) for various regions in Peru. (Risk Information)
[Contact Information]
Embassy of Japan in Peru, Consular Section
Av. San Felipe 356, Jesus Maria, Lima, Peru
Phone: (+51-1)219-9551
State of Emergency extended for Putumayo and Mariscal Ramon Castilla counties in Loreto
Feb. 1, 2025, 7:21 a.m.
1. The Peruvian government has announced in the Official Gazette that it will extend the state of emergency it had imposed for security purposes in the counties of Putumayo (bordering Colombia) and Mariscal Ramón Castilla (bordering both Colombia and Brazil) in the State of Loreto for 60 days, starting from February 7.
[Official Gazette (Spanish only): Decreto Supremo No 018-2025-PCM]
2 The declaration will restrict some of the constitutional rights in the affected areas during this period, such as the inviolability of the home, freedom of movement, assembly, and personal freedom.
3. Loreto State, which borders Colombia and Brazil, is facing problems such as smuggling of drugs and weapons, as well as illegal mining. Putumayo County, which borders Colombia, is particularly affected by the activities of Colombian drug cartels, and kidnappings by armed groups and shootings with security forces occur regularly.
4 The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan has issued a "Level 3 Danger Information: Do not travel (Recommendation to cancel travel)" for Putumayo County and a "Level 2 Danger Information: Do not travel unless it is absolutely necessary" for Mariscal Ramón Castilla County, and has issued warnings. The area bordering Colombia is a drug smuggling route used by criminal organizations, and if you enter the area carelessly, you may be involved in unforeseen incidents such as attacks and kidnappings. Please be aware of the above situation and refrain from traveling to the area.
(Overseas Danger Information)
[Contact Information]
Embassy of Japan in Peru, Consular Section
Av. San Felipe 356, Jesus Maria, Lima, Peru
Phone: (+51-1)219-9551
Extension and new declaration of a state of emergency in parts of the provinces of Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Cusco and Junin
Feb. 1, 2025, 7:16 a.m.
1. The Government of Peru has published in the Official Gazette an extension and new issuance of a State of Emergency in parts of the states of Ayacucho, Huancavelica, Cusco, and Junin, for a period of 60 days from January 31, in order to combat terrorism and drug trafficking.
[Areas where a state of emergency has been declared]
(1) Huanta County, Ayacucho State: Ayahuanco, Santillana, Sibia, Yochegua, Canayre, Uturacay (only Cano, Yanamonte, and Carwarán), Pucacorpa, Putis. Ramal County: Aina, Santa Rosa, Antiway, Rio Magdalena. (2) Tayacaja County, Huancavelica State: Huachocorpa (only Ichucucho), Roble, Cochabamba Grande (only Cochabamba Grande).
(3) La Convención district, Cusco province: Pichalí, Echalate (Kiteni only), Union Asháninka (4) Satipo district, Junín province: Masamari, Pangoa, Biscatan del Huene, Rio Tambo (5) Within 8 km on both sides of the natural gas and liquefied natural gas pipeline, which includes the Camisea Gas Pipeline. From Nuevo Mundo, Megantóni town, La Convención district, Cusco province in the north to Anco town, Ramal district, Ayacucho province in the south.
For more information, please see the Peruvian Government Official Gazette (Spanish only) at the link below.
Official Gazette (Spanish only): Decreto Supremo No 016-2025-PCM
*If figures and other images are not displayed properly, please switch from HTML to PDF format using the format selection button at the top left of the page.
2 The declaration will restrict some of the constitutional rights in the affected areas during this period, such as the inviolability of the home, freedom of movement, assembly, and personal freedom.
3 The Japanese government has issued a Level 3 travel warning for the region, advising against travel. Organizations such as Sendero Luminoso are engaged in drug production and other activities in the Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro River valleys (VRAEM regions) and mountainous areas, and terrorist attacks and clashes with security forces have also occurred in the region, so please do not enter the area.
[Contact Information]
Embassy of Japan in Peru, Consular Section
Av. San Felipe 356, Jesus Maria, Lima, Peru
Phone: (+51-1)219-9551
Updated Peru Travel Safety Information (October-December 2024)
Jan. 30, 2025, 6:31 a.m.
Please stay up to date on the latest security information and exercise caution.
[Contact Information]
Embassy of Japan in Peru, Consular Section
Av. San Felipe 356, Jesus Maria, Lima, Peru
Phone: (+51-1)219-9551