Poland travel advisories

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Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs International Safety Information
Travel advisories Updated on July 27, 2024, 4:33 a.m.

The following information has been provided by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The information is subject to change without notice. This is not a comprehensive list, and you are urged to check the most up-to-date information and details.

Table of contents

Entry information for travelers from Japan

No information available

COVID-19 risks

Oct. 19, 2022, midnight

In light of the general improvement in the global infection situation and the fact that the G7 countries have already canceled the designation of levels by country and region, all the new coronavirus infectious disease risk information was issued on October 19. The world is uniformly set to level 1 (please be careful).

Aug. 24, 2022, midnight

On August 24, the infectious disease risk information for 41 countries was changed from level 3 (recommendation to avoid travel) to level 2 (please refrain from non-essential travel), and the infectious disease risk information for 55 countries/regions was changed to level 2. The level has been lowered from (Please refrain from unnecessary and non-urgent travel) to Level 1 (Please be careful).

July 25, 2022, midnight

On July 23, Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus of the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the global outbreak of monkeypox a "public health emergency of international concern". According to the WHO, more than 16,000 cases of monkeypox infection in 75 countries and regions have been reported so far, and the infection is spreading worldwide.

July 1, 2022, midnight

Although the infection status of the new corona varies depending on the situation in each country and region, the risk of death and aggravation has decreased, and deregulation at the water's edge and in Japan has also been seen, especially in countries where vaccination is progressing worldwide. I'm on the way. Based on these trends, the infectious disease risk information level is now available after comprehensively considering the actual conditions of each country / region, such as the status of infection, vaccination status, infectious disease control / medical system, and status of various measures in each country / region. Was reviewed.

May 26, 2022, midnight

Although the infection status of the new corona varies depending on the situation in each country and region, the number of new infections and deaths is declining worldwide, and the risk of death and aggravation is mainly in countries where vaccination is progressing. Is declining, and regulations are being relaxed at the water's edge and in Japan. Based on these trends, the infectious disease risk information level is now available after comprehensively considering the actual conditions of each country / region, such as the status of infection, vaccination status, infectious disease control / medical system, and status of various measures in each country / region. Was reviewed.

April 1, 2022, midnight

The level of infectious disease risk information should be reviewed after comprehensively considering the actual situation of each country / region, such as the number of newly infected people in each country / region, vaccination status, infectious disease control / medical system, and status of various measures. It was made. As a result, infectious disease risk information has been reduced from Level 3 "Recommendation for suspension of travel" to Level 2 "Please stop unnecessary and unurgent travel" in 106 countries.

Nov. 29, 2021, midnight

As the infection may spread further, please be informed and try to prevent the infection.

Nov. 29, 2021, midnight

As the infection may spread further, please be informed and try to prevent the infection.

Aug. 13, 2021, midnight

As the infection may spread further, please obtain the latest information and try to prevent the infection.

May 18, 2021, midnight

Coronavirus infections are still spreading worldwide, with more than 160 million confirmed infections and more than 3 million deaths worldwide. Although the number of infected people is decreasing in North America and Europe, the situation continues to require caution, such as the remarkable spread of infection in South Asia.
Based on this situation, the infectious disease risk information level in Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, Saint Lucia, Thailand, East Timor, and Mongolia has been newly set to Level 2 by comprehensively considering various situations including the deterioration of the infection situation. "Please stop unnecessary and unurgent travel" has been raised to Level 3 "Travel Cancellation Recommendation".

Oct. 30, 2020, midnight

As the infection may spread further, please obtain the latest information and try to prevent the infection.

March 25, 2020, midnight


Local and national news

Information for the past 30 days.

Caution regarding dengue fever (If you suspect you may be infected, please seek medical attention as soon as possible)

July 12, 2024, midnight Wide area information (infectious diseases)
If you are planning to travel to or stay in tropical or subtropical regions such as Central and South America, Oceania, Southeast Asia, and Africa, where dengue fever is common, or if you are already staying there, please be sure to take appropriate preventive measures. In addition, if you suspect you may be infected, please visit a medical institution as soon as possible.

Travel advisories from local embassies and consulates

Information from the past two weeks.

Notice from the Embassy (Caution regarding protest demonstrations by anti-whaling and anti-dolphin fishing activists)

July 24, 2024, 5:46 p.m.

1 ワルシャワ市当局の情報によると、反捕鯨・反イルカ漁活動家らが、7月25日(木)14:00から14:30までの間、日本大使館事務所前(ul. Szwolezerow 8)で抗議デモを実施する予定です。

2 活動家らは、同日の15:00から15:30までの間、デンマーク大使館前(ul. Marszalkowska 142)においても抗議デモを実施する予定です。

3 抗議デモの背景として、7月21日にデンマーク自治領グリーンランドで反捕鯨団体「シー・シェパード」の創設者が現地当局に拘束され、身柄が日本へ引き渡される可能性などについて報道されています。活動家らは、同創設者の解放を要求するとして、当館及びデンマーク大使館に対する抗議デモを呼び掛けています。

4 つきましては、上記1の時間帯に当館への来館を予定されている方は、可能な限り同時間帯を避けるなど、ご協力をお願いいたします。また、抗議デモでは不測の事態が発生する恐れがありますので、在留邦人・一時滞在者の皆様におかれましては、デモに不用意に近付くことのないよう十分な注意をお願いします。

在ポーランド日本国大使館 領事班