Aloha! The personality of the eagle is amazing! It feels like the king of the sky. Thank you for your support for Yasu's solo exhibition! 😃🤙✨✨🌺🐯🍀🌼🌴🐬🦀🇯🇵🌈✨㊗️…
#Sea #Healing #animal #photographer #Crowdfunding #Solo exhibition#Veltra #Animal
Aloha! Thank you for supporting the solo exhibition of Hyaho Yasu, who has had a meeting with the gallery! 😃🤙✨✨🌺🐯🍀🌼🌴🐬🦀🇯🇵🌈✨㊗️…
#Sea #Healing #animal #photographer #Crowdfunding #Solo exhibition#Veltra #Animal
Aloha! Kirin has decided to publish Shutterbug! Thank you for your support for Yasu's solo exhibition! 😃🤙✨✨🌺🐯🍀🌼🌴🐬🦀🇯🇵🌈✨㊗️…
#Sea #Healing #animal #photographer #Crowdfunding #Solo exhibition#Veltra #Animal
Aloha! I went to the zoo! Pre-sale of solo exhibition works Thank you for your support of crowdfunding.…
😃🤙✨✨🌺🌼🌴🦒🐬🦩🦀🍀🏝🌈✨✨🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵#Hawaii #Sea #Healing #sunset #photographer
アロハ!南アフリカ🇿🇦ヨハネスブルクの国際写真展に初入選ヒャホー😃🤙✨🌺🏝 🌻🌊🌈🎉
‘Solo - Single Subject’ Exhibition at the FotoZA Gallery, Johannesburg South African
Exhibition dates: 16-18 July 2021
#hawaii #photographer #exhibition #動物