Latest COVID-19 conditions
This weekend (05/31) around 4:30 pm, the outdoor temperature is around 27 degrees, and it is the scenery of Taipei 228 Peace Memorial Park. Just today, the IFBB (international federation of bodybuilding and fitness) Taiwan Championship is being held! At the scene, young people with muscular muscles work hard to appeal to the judges that they are muscular. The events are normal, but the virus keeps the distance away, which keeps the crowd out of the center.
今週の週末(05/31)午後四時半前後、室外温度が大体27度前後、台北228平和記念公園の風景です。 ちょうど今日は IFBB(internationalfederation of bodybuilding and fitness)の台湾選手権大会が行われてます!現場では、筋肉が隆々してる若者たちが一所懸命に裁判たちに自分が筋肉質の逞しいさまをアピールしてみる。イベントが普通に行われてますが、やはりウイルスのせいで距離を保つため、観衆が中心部に入れなくなります。