Local travel news from Rovinj

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Local travel news from Rovinj


July 16, 2020


Senior Key Account Manager Sales & Production Sector

Uniline d.o.o. Pula

Latest COVID-19 conditions

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From the Japanese Embassy in Zagreb ● As of 2:00 pm on July 15, the cumulative number of new coronavirus infections in Croatia was 3,953 (+126), the total number of healers was 2,629 (+71), and the total number of dead The number is 120 (+0). So far, 97,724 inspections (+1,804) have been conducted. *Numbers in parentheses are from the previous day.
● In Croatia, the infection is spreading again. As of 2:00 pm on July 15, there are 1,204 patients.
● The immigration control measures currently implemented by the Croatian government will be extended until July 31st.
● From July 15, the scope of obligation to wear masks has been expanded. When using public transportation, when visiting a medical institution as a sympathy, when entering a store, etc., enter a company/store with customer service such as a post office, a bank, a barber/beauty salon, or an administrative agency such as police. Even when wearing a mask was mandatory.


July 16, 2020


Senior Key Account Manager Sales & Production Sector

Uniline d.o.o. Pula

Local news

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Since the duty to wear a mask inside the store was introduced from 7/15, many people are sightseeing with one mask, but most people including tourists and locals do not wear it outdoors. Hmm.

Tourist spots Because the number of tourists is smaller than usual, tourists and summer vacationers seem to be enjoying themselves at ease.

Current situation in Croatia, Rovinj and Local news. #1
Current situation in Croatia, Rovinj and Local news. #2