



ハファダイ! 皆様こんにちは。
出身: 神奈川県
好きな食べ物: 寿司、焼肉、ラーメン、あんこ、ごはん(白米)…

Local news from サイパンなべぞう (222) Page 3


Aug. 30, 2023

Local news

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Hafa die! Hello everyone.

I suddenly have a disease that makes me want to eat Thai food.
Whenever I feel like eating Thai food, I always rush to "Spicy Thai Noodle Place", but today I went to "TomYum" for lunch!
TomYum has been a long time coming.

The lunch buffet is $15, the same as Spicy Thai.
I thought about it again today, but I might like TomYum better...
In particular, green curry is my favorite flavor here on Saipan.
(The store is a little dark, so it may be difficult for first-time visitors to enter.)
Both appetizers and desserts are better at TomYum!
I ate a full stomach today too!

↓Click here for TomYum information↓

Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #1
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #2
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #3


Aug. 22, 2023

Local news

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Hafadai! Hello everyone.

Actually, I recently found out about the popular cafe "CHA" on the island.
Did you know that there is a drive-thru outside of Garapan Main Store? ?

I went today immediately!
The location is Mobil Gas Station on Middle Road Garapan Aria.
The drive-thru order was smooth and the store clerk had a good impression.
(You can also order at the gas station store)

If you are going around Saipan with a rental car, please stop by!

<Chacafe Drive Thru>…

Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #1
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #2
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #3


Aug. 12, 2023

Destination updates

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Hafadai! Hello everyone.

From July, the management company of Managaha Island became "Mariana Global".
The rental shop on Managaha Island finally reopened last week.

It seems that they are currently in trial and error, so please check the plan and fee directly on the day.
(Because it changes every day...)
Also, credit cards cannot be used on Managaha Island. You will need cash.

In the future, it seems that they are thinking about all-inclusive, and it seems that they will implement restrictions on bringing into Managaha Island. .
It's still unclear when and how it will start...
We will contact you when we have the latest information.

In addition, it seems that it is already prohibited to bring in lunch boxes sold by Saipan dealers at the port, etc. and drinks in the contractor's cooler box.
*It seems that customers can bring in food and drinks that they personally bought at the hotel deli or supermarket, as long as it is within the scope of common sense (2-3 drinks and snacks per person).
(It seems that it is unclear when the rules will change, so it is difficult to disclose information.)

The image is an image of the staff and rental equipment.
Recently, the weather in Saipan has been bad due to Typhoon No.
It looks like it's heading to Japan, so please take care.

Current situation in Saipan,  and Destination updates. #1
Current situation in Saipan,  and Destination updates. #2
Current situation in Saipan,  and Destination updates. #3


Aug. 4, 2023

Local news

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Hafadai! Hello everyone.

I was in Japan for about a week.
I heard from customers that it was hotter in Japan, but it was really hot.
ladies and gentlemen. Please be careful of heat stroke.

By the way, the I Love Saipan memae stop of the free shuttle connecting major hotels on the west side and the Garapan area has been changed to the DFS south exit.
Large buses can safely park and stop under the big roof, so we are very welcome!
It was very convenient to catch the bus after shopping at DFS - the bus timetable has also changed nicely.

You can check the timetable from the website below.

This free shuttle will end on August 31st...
We will contact you again when we have information after September!

Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #1
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #2
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #3


July 25, 2023

Local news

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Hafa die! Hello everyone.

The other day, my wife came back to Saipan after completing preparations for her second daughter's enrollment and moving in Japan.
I immediately took him to "Takumi Restaurant", which I've been hooked on recently.
(I'm sorry that Takumi Restaurant has continued recently...)

New discovery this time! ! !
Coco's "Poki" and "Pasta (this time carbonara)" are super delicious.
Poke is on the menu in various places in Saipan, but I think Takumi has the best seasoning for poke!
The taste of pasta is also high level!

My wife had the beef stew that I recommended.
My son ordered a lunch box for dinner. Deep-fried food, a little side dish, and my favorite sashimi are very satisfying! I think $18 is a good value for dinner.*By the way, this time I ordered a manga-style meal...and I got a second serving!
Sue (Chef Suzuki) Thank you for the arrangement!
(The side dishes are curry sauce and fried shrimp.)

↓ Click here for information on Takumi Restaurant ↓

Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #1
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #2
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #3


July 25, 2023

Local news

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Hafa die! Hello everyone.

The south side of T Galleria DFS, Saipan's largest luxury shopping mall, has opened.
The Saipan Cultural Experience Center has opened in a large and clean space.
The Cultural Experience Center is open from 13:00 to 19:00 every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
You can experience the culture from 13:00 to 16:00.
Cultural performances are held on stage from 16:00 to 19:00.

If you are interested, please take a look!
(The related image was shared by the person in charge of DFS.)

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Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #2
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #3


July 23, 2023

Local news

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Hafa die! Hello everyone.

Last week, I took my son to Takumi Restaurant for dinner.
(I was going to post it already, but it seems it didn't go up...)

The boat captain who has been taking care of Coco for a long time told me, "Takumi's beef stew is delicious!", so I went there.

Try it and be surprised! This beef stew was so delicious that I could drink as much as I wanted!
Beef stew is only available at dinner time, and it doesn't seem to be on the menu at lunch time...
Steak, fried chicken, fried shrimp, etc. were all delicious. It feels like a western restaurant in the city where you can easily enter, and the price is reasonable. It's been a long time since I've had a satisfying meal out!
I want to share this deliciousness with everyone.

↓ Click here for information on Takumi Restaurant ↓

Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #1
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #2
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #3


July 16, 2023

Destination updates

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Hafadai! Hello everyone.

Yesterday, I went to Managaha Island for the first time in a while.
It seems that the management company of Managaha Island has changed since July, and the business content on the island has changed a little.

<Good points>
Lifeguards were deployed!
For the first time in a long time, the sound of a whistle that calls attention to "beep" or "beep" is ringing,
It seems that they are doing their best to watch over them so that they do not become a serious water accident.
(However, if you drown, it will be difficult to rescue you. Please enjoy swimming at your own risk.)

The "gift shop" and "rental shop" were closed, probably due to a problem with the tenant contract on the island.
"Snorkel mask", "life jacket", "beach chair & parasol" cannot be rented on the island.
We recommend that you prepare in advance by yourself (don't forget your towel!)
Also, the restaurant was open. However, there were only beverages (mineral water, sodas, beer, etc.), simple snacks, and spicy ramen...
Credit cards are not accepted, only cash is accepted..
There are no lockers, so please manage your luggage yourself. .

The beach was as clear and beautiful as ever!
Please come and visit us.

Current situation in Saipan,  and Destination updates. #1
Current situation in Saipan,  and Destination updates. #2
Current situation in Saipan,  and Destination updates. #3


July 14, 2023

Local news

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Hafadai! Hello everyone.

Yesterday, I wanted to eat sushi for the first time in a while, so I went to "SUSHI SPOT Restaurant".
A local chef was showing his skills in a clean shop.
I always go to "Himawari" when I eat sushi, but when I want to eat sushi rolls, I think this place is good!
Finished off with fried ice cream

↓ Click here for information on SUSHI SPOT Restaurant ↓
* https://www.instagram.c…

Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #1
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #2
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #3


July 8, 2023

Local news

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Hafa die! Hello everyone.

Keiko, the guide who went sightseeing the other day, told me about it.
Oh my God! It seems that I found a plumeria with 6 petals. (usually 5 plumeria)
It is said that good luck will come to those who find this six-petal plumeria.
May everyone be happy!

Before the end of the tour, they stopped by the popular local restaurant “Inus Kitchen”.
I love this restaurant too!
I think Inas Kitchen is Saipan's No. 1 hamburger.

Here, the side dish is
* Mashed potatoes * French fries (potatoes)
*Sweet potato French fries (Sweet potato? Purple potato?)
You can choose from 3 types, but my recommendation is "sweet potato fries"
The light saltiness and faint sweetness are the most delicious!

If you have a chance, please try it!

↓<Click here for Inas Kitchen information>↓

[Google Map]… 3726!16s%2Fg% 2F11g0hlddxc?entry=ttu

Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #1
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #2
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #3


July 2, 2023

Local news

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Hafa die! Hello everyone.

Today, I received a reservation for "Chartered Island Sightseeing with Mariana Government Official Guide Keiko".
The weather is generally good, and I hope the customers will be happy.
Keiko-san, have a go!

↓↓ Click here for the island sightseeing tour with Keiko ↓↓
≪Chartered island sightseeing≫…

≪Northern shared sightseeing (There is also a tour with Mt. Tapochao)≫…

<Profile of Keiko>

Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #1
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #2


June 25, 2023

Local news

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Hafa die! Hello everyone.

Tasi Tours Managaha Island Transfer
From June 23rd, the Hagantasi started its operation.
The image shows the ship leaving Charlie Port.
There are still few customers on board, and we are waiting for many customers!

Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #1
Current situation in Saipan,  and Local news. #2