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Sept. 8, 2021




Latest COVID-19 conditions

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[Government revised version] Community quarantine measures from September 8 to September 30 (3)

(3) Regions that impose “Modified and Enhanced Community Isolation Measures (MECQ)” from September 8 to September 30 ・ Cordilliera Administrative Region (CAR): Apayao Province ・ Region 3 (Central Luzon Region): Bulacan, Bataan ・ Region 4A (Calabarzon region): Cavite, Luzon, Rizal, Laguna ・ Region 6 (Western Visayas): Iloilo, Iloilo ・ Region 10 (Northern Mindanao): Cagayan de Oro・ Oro City

(4) Regions that impose "General Community Isolation Measures (GCQ) with Tighter Restrictions" from September 8th to September 30th ・ Region 1 (Ilocos Region): South Ilocos Region, Pangashinan Region ・ Region 2 ( Cagayan Valley Region): Cagayan Region ・ Region 4A (Calabarson Region): Keson Province, Batangas Region ・ Region 5 (Bikor Region): Naga City ・ Region 6 (West Visayas Region): Antique, Bakorod City, Kapizu Region ・ Region 7 (Central Visayas region): Cebu, Laprapu, East Negros ・ Region 9 (Samboanga Peninsula): South Samboanga ・ Region 10 (Northern Mindanao): East Misamis ・ Region 11 (Davao): Davao, Northern Davao Region, West Davao Region, Davao de Oro Region ・ Region 13 (Cagayan Region): Butuan City

(5) Regions that impose “Modified and Enhanced Community Isolation Measures (MECQ)” from September 7th to September 30th ・ Region 1 (Ilocos Region): Northern Ilocos Region

■ Infection status as of September 7, 2021 (nationwide in the Philippines)
Total number of infected people: 2,121,308 (18,012 newly infected people)
Total number of recoverers: 1,928,173 Total number of deaths: 34,498


Sept. 8, 2021




Latest COVID-19 conditions

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[Government revised version] Community quarantine measures from September 8 to September 30 (2)

(2) Areas that impose "General Community Isolation Measures (GCQ)" from September 8 to September 30 ・ Cordilliera Administrative Region (CAR): Davao City, Karinga, Abra, Bengett ・ Region 1 ( Irocos Region): Davao Region ・ Region 2 (Kagayan Valley Region): Santiago City, Kirino, Isabella, Nueva Visayas Region 3 (Central Visayas Region): Tarlac Province ・ Region 4B (Mimaropa Region): Occidental Mindro State, Puerto Princesa City ・ Region 6 (West Visayas Region): Akran, Guimaras, West Negros ・ Region 7 (Central Visayas Region): Cebu City, Davao Region ・ Region 9 (Zamboanga Peninsula Region): Zamboanga Shibugai State, Zamboanga, North Zamboanga ・ Region 10 (North Mindanao Region): West Misamis, Irigan City ・ Region 11 (Davao Region): East Davao Region, South Davao Region ・ Region 12 (Soksagen Region): General Santos City , Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, Kotabato, South Kotabato ・ Region 13 (Karaga region): North Agusan, South Agusan, North Surigao, South Surigao, Dinagat Islands ・ Bansamoro Autonomous Region (BARMM): Kotabato City, South Lanao


Sept. 8, 2021




Latest COVID-19 conditions

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[Government revised version] Community quarantine measures from September 8 to September 30 (1)

● On September 7, the Philippine government announced that the Metro Manila (NCR) community quarantine measures announced on September 6 would be "until September 15 if a pilot GCQ with a vigilance level system is not implemented. Announced a change to an area that imposes a modified and enhanced Community Isolation Measures (MECQ).

Below, the community isolation measures in various parts of the Philippines from September 8 announced by the Philippine government on September 7 are as follows.

(1) Areas that impose "General Modified Community Isolation Measures (MGCQ)" from September 8 to September 30 ・ Cordiliera Administrative Region (CAR): Ifgao, Mountain State ・ Region 1 (Ilocos Region) ): La Unyon ・ Region 2 (Cagayan Valley region): Batanes ・ Region 3 (Central Visayas region): Aurora, Nueva Ejiha, Pampanga, San Valles, Angeles, Orongapo ・ Region 4B (Mimaropa) Region): Malinduk, Oriental Mindoro, Lombron, Parawan ・ Region 5 (Bicol Region): Albay, Northern Mindanao, South Catanduanes, Catanduanes, Masbate, Sorsogon ・ Region 7 (Central) Visayas Region): Bohor, Sikihor, Region 8 (East Visayas Region): Bicolan, Leyte, South Leyte, East Samal, Northern Samar, Samal, Olmock City ・ Region 10 (Northern Mindanao): Bukidonon, Cagayan, Northern Mindanao ・ Bansamolo Autonomous Region (BARMM): Basilan, Magindanao, Sorsogon, Tawitawi


Sept. 8, 2021




Latest COVID-19 conditions

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Community quarantine measures from September 8th to September 30th (3)

(4) Regions that impose "General Community Isolation Measures (GCQ) with Tighter Restrictions" from September 8th to September 30th ・ Region 1 (Ilocos Region): South Ilocos Region, Pangashinan Region ・ Region 2 ( Cagayan Valley Region): Cagayan Region ・ Region 4A (Calabarson Region): Keson Province, Batangas Region ・ Region 5 (Bikor Region): Naga City ・ Region 6 (West Visayas Region): Antique, Bakorod City, Kapizu Region ・ Region 7 (Central Visayas region): Cebu, Laprapu, East Negros ・ Region 9 (Samboanga Peninsula): South Samboanga ・ Region 10 (Northern Mindanao): East Misamis ・ Region 11 (Davao): Davao, Northern Davao Region, West Davao Region, Davao de Oro Region ・ Region 13 (Cagayan Region): Butuan City

■ Infection status as of September 7, 2021 (nationwide in the Philippines)
Total number of infected people: 2,121,308 (18,012 newly infected people)
Total number of recoverers: 1,928,173 Total number of deaths: 34,498


Sept. 8, 2021




Latest COVID-19 conditions

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Community quarantine measures from September 8th to September 30th (2)

(2) Areas that impose "General Community Isolation Measures (GCQ)" from September 8 to September 30 ・ Cordilliera Administrative Region (CAR): Davao City, Karinga, Abra, Bengett ・ Region 1 ( Irocos Region): Davao Region ・ Region 2 (Kagayan Valley Region): Santiago City, Kirino, Isabella, Nueva Visayas Region 3 (Central Visayas Region): Tarlac Province ・ Region 4B (Mimaropa Region): Occidental Mindro State, Puerto Princesa City ・ Region 6 (West Visayas Region): Akran, Guimaras, West Negros ・ Region 7 (Central Visayas Region): Cebu City, Davao Region ・ Region 9 (Zamboanga Peninsula Region): Zamboanga Shibugai State, Zamboanga, North Zamboanga ・ Region 10 (North Mindanao Region): West Misamis, Irigan City ・ Region 11 (Davao Region): East Davao Region, South Davao Region ・ Region 12 (Soksagen Region): General Santos City , Sultan Kudarat, Sarangani, Kotabato, South Kotabato ・ Region 13 (Karaga region): North Agusan, South Agusan, North Surigao, South Surigao, Dinagat Islands ・ Bansamoro Autonomous Region (BARMM): Kotabato City, South Lanao

(3) Areas that impose “Modified and Enhanced Community Isolation Measures (MECQ)” from September 8 to September 30 ・ Cordilliera Administrative Area (CAR): Apayao State ・ Region 1 (Ilocos Region): North Ilocos Region ・ Region 3 (Central Luzon Region): Bulacan, Bataan ・ Region 4A (Calabarzon Region): Cagayan, Lucena, Rizal, Laguna ・ Region 6 (West Visaya Region): Iloico, Iloico ・Region 10 (Northern Mindanao Region): Cagayan de Oro City


Sept. 8, 2021




Latest COVID-19 conditions

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Community quarantine measures from September 8th to September 30th (1)

On September 6, the Philippine government announced the extension and change of community quarantine measures in various parts of the Philippines from September 8.

Below, the community isolation measures in various parts of the Philippines from September 8 announced by the Philippine government on September 6 are as follows.

(1) Areas that impose "General Community Isolation Measures (GCQ)" newly separated as pilot areas from September 8 to September 30 ・ Manila Metropolitan Area ・ Cordilliera Administrative Area (CAR): Ifgao , Mountain State ・ Region 1 (Irocos region): La Unyon ・ Region 2 (Cagayan Valley region): Batanes ・ Region 3 (Central Visayas region): Aurora, Nueva Ejiha, Pampanga, San Valles, Angeles City, Orongapo City ・ Region 4B (Mimaropa region): Malinduk, Oriental Mindro, Lombron, Parawan ・ Region 5 (Bicol region): Albay, Northern Mindanao, South Cagayanao, Catanduanes, Masbate State, Solsogon ・ Region 7 (Central Visayas): Bohor, Sikihall ・ Region 8 (East Visayas): Bicolan, Leyte, South Leyte, East Samal, Northern Mindanao, Samal, Olmock・ Region 10 (Northern Mindanao): Bukidnon, Cagayan, Northern Lanao ・ Bansamoro Autonomous Region (BARMM): Basilan, Magindanao, Sulu, Tawitawi


Aug. 30, 2021




Latest COVID-19 conditions

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Community quarantine measures from September 1st to September 7th (3)

(4) Regions that impose "General Community Isolation Measures (GCQ) with Tighter Restrictions" from September 1st to September 7th ・ Region 1 (Ilocos Region): South Ilocos Region ・ Region 2 (Cagayan Valley Region) ): Cagayan ・ Region 4A (Calabarson Region): Keson, Batangas ・ Region 5 (Bikor Region): Naga City ・ Region 6 (West Visayas Region): Antique, Bakorodo, Kapizu ・ Region 7 (Central Visayas) Region): Cebu, East Negros ・ Region 9 (Samboanga Peninsula): South Samboanga ・ Region 10 (Northern Mindanao): East Misamis ・ Region 11 (Davao): Davao, North Davao, West Davao State, Davao del Norte-Region 13 (Cagayan Region): Butuan City

■ Infection status as of August 29, 2021 (nationwide in the Philippines)
Total number of infected people: 1,954,023 (18,528 newly infected people)
Total number of recoverers: 1,777,693 Total number of deaths: 33,109


Aug. 30, 2021




Latest COVID-19 conditions

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Community quarantine measures from September 1st to September 7th (2)

(2) Areas that impose "General Community Isolation Measures (GCQ)" from September 1st to September 7th ・ Cordilliera Administrative Area (CAR): Davao City ・ Area 2 (Cagayan Valley Area): Santiago City, Kirino State, Isabella, Nueva Viskaya ・ Region 3 (Central Luzon): Tarlac ・ Region 4B (Mimaropa): Puerto Princesa ・ Region 6 (West Visaya): Gimalas, West Negros ・ Region 9 (Zamboanga Peninsula region): Zamboanga Shibugai, Samboanga, North Samboanga ・ Region 11 (Davao region): East Davao, South Davao ・ Region 12 (Soksagen region): General Santos, Surigao del Sur, Sarangani, Kotabato, South Kotabato ・ Region 13 (Karaga region): North Agusan, South Agusan, North Surigao, South Surigao, Davao Islands ・ Bansamoro Autonomous Region (BARMM): Kotabato

(3) Areas that impose “Modified and Enhanced Community Isolation Measures (MECQ)” from September 1st to September 7th ・ Manila Metropolitan Area (NCR)
・ Cordilliera Administrative Region (CAR): Apayao ・ Region 1 (Ilocos Region): Northern Ilocos Region ・ Region 3 (Central Visayas Region): Bulacan, Bataan Province ・ Region 4A (Calabarson Region): Cavite, Lucena, Rizal State, Laguna ・ Region 6 (West Visayas region): Ilocos Region, Ilocos Region, Akran Province ・ Region 7 (Central Visayas Region): Laprapu City, Cebu City, Mandaue City ・ Region 10 (Northern Mindanao Region): Kagayan De・ Oro City


Aug. 30, 2021




Latest COVID-19 conditions

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Community quarantine measures from September 1st to September 7th (1)

● On August 28, the Philippine government announced the extension and change of community isolation measures in various parts of the Philippines.

As a result, Metro Manila (NCR), Cebu City, Lapu Lapu City, Mandaue City, etc. in the Central Visayas region will be "improved and strengthened community isolation measures (MECQ)" until September 7.

Below, on August 28, the Philippine government announced that it would extend or change the community isolation measures in various parts of the Philippines from September 1 as follows.

(1) Areas that impose "General Modified Community Isolation Measures (MGCQ)" from September 1st to September 7th ・ Cordiliera Administrative Region (CAR): Ifgao, Karinga, Abra, Benget , Mountain State ・ Region 1 (Ilocos Region): La Unyon, Pangasinan, Dougpan City ・ Region 2 (Cagayan Valley Region): Batanes Sur Region ・ Region 3 (Central Visayas Region): Aurora, Nueva Ejiha, Pampanga State, San Valles, Angeles, Orongapo City ・ Region 4B (Mimaropa region): Malinduk, Occidental Mindoro, Oriental Mindoro, Lombron, Parawan ・ Region 5 (Visayas region): Albay, Northern Cagayanao , South Cagayanes, Katanduanes, Masbate, Solsogon ・ Region 7 (Central Visayas): Bohor, Sikihall ・ Region 8 (East Visayas): Billilan, Leyte, South Leyte, East Samal State, Northern Samar, Samar, Olmock City ・ Region 10 (Northern Mindanao Region): Bukidnon, Cagayan, Irigan, Northern Lanao, Western Misamis ・ Bansamoro Autonomous Region (BARMM): Basilan, Magindanao, Sulu, South Lanao, Tawitawi


Aug. 21, 2021




Latest COVID-19 conditions

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● On August 19, the Philippine government announced that the community quarantine measures imposed on NCR and two other states will be "modified and strengthened community quarantine measures (MECQ)" until August 31st.

1 On August 19, the community segregation measures imposed on the NCR and Laguna from August 21 to August 31, and the measures in Bataan from August 23 to August 31 were "corrected." "Strengthened Community Isolation Measures (MECQ)" has been announced.
In addition, the above areas must comply with the following guidelines.

(1) Indoor and outdoor meal services, beauty salons, beauty parlors, barber shops, nail spas, and other personal care services are not permitted.

(2) Religious ministers such as ministers, priests, rabbis, and imams and their assistants can perform religious services online and are allowed to perform funeral services, wakes, burials, and transfers for funerals.
Relatives of persons who have died from causes other than COVID-19 must meet the minimum public health standards stipulated and submit documents showing the relationship of family members (second degree), funerals and burials. Movement to attend etc. is permitted.

■ Infection status as of August 20, 2021 (nationwide in the Philippines)
Total number of infected people: 1,807,800 (17,231 newly infected people)
Total number of recoverers: 1,653,351 Total number of deaths: 31,198


Aug. 14, 2021




Latest COVID-19 conditions

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Filipino community quarantine measures from August 16 (3)

(6) Region / Region 1 (Ilocos Region) that imposes "General Community Isolation Measures (GCQ) with Tightened Restrictions" from August 16 to 31: South Ilocos Region / Region 2 (Cagayan Valley Region) ): Cagayan Region / Region 4A (Calabarson Region): Keson Province, Batangas Region / Region 5 (Bikor Region): Naga City / Region 6 (West Visayas Region): Antique, Davao Region, Capiz Province / Region 7 (Central Visayas) Region): East Negros, Cebu / Region 9 (Samboanga Peninsula Region): South Samboanga Province / Region 10 (Northern Mindanao Region): East Misamis Region / Region 11 (Davao Region): Davao City, North Davao Region, West Davao State, Davao del Norte / Region 13 (Cagayan Region): Butuan City

2. Travel restrictions imposed on India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and travel bans from the right countries, and right within 14 minutes before arriving in the Philippines. It has also announced that it will extend the immigration ban for those who have traveled to other countries until August 31st.


Aug. 14, 2021




Latest COVID-19 conditions

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Filipino community quarantine measures from August 16 (2)

(2) Areas that impose "General Community Isolation Measures (GCQ)" from August 16 to August 31-Cordiliella Administrative Area (CAR): Baguio City-Region 2 (Cagayan Valley Area): Santiago City, Quirino State, Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya / Region 3 (Central Luzon): Tarlac (from August 13)
・ Region 4B (Mimaropa region): Puerto Princesa City ・ Region 6 (West Visaya region): Gimalas, West Negros region ・ Region 9 (Samboanga Peninsula region): Samboanga Shibugai, Samboanga city, North Samboanga province ・ Region 11 (Davao Region): East Davao Region, South Davao Region / Region 12 (Soksagen Region): General Santos, Surigao del Sur, Sarangani, Cotabato, South Cotabato / Region 13 (Karaga Region): North Agusan , South Agusan, North Surigao, South Surigao, Davao Islands and Bansamolo Autonomous Region (BARMM): Cotabato City

(3) Regions that impose “Modified and Enhanced Community Isolation Measures (MECQ)” from August 16th to 31st ・ Calabarzon Administrative Region (CAR): Apayao Province ・ Region 1 (Ilocos Region): North Ilocos Region / Region 3 (Central Visayas Region): Bulacan Region / Region 4A (Calabarzon Region): Cavite Province, Lucena City, Rizal Province / Region 6 (Western Visayas Region): Aklan Province, Iloilo Province, Iloilo City / Region 7 ( Central Visayas region): Apayao City, Mandaue City, Cebu City

(4) Regions / regions that impose "Enhanced Community Isolation Measures (ECQ)" until August 15 and then "Modified Enhanced Community Isolation Measures (MECQ)" until August 31 4A (Calabarzon region): Laguna province / region 6 (Western Visayas region): Iloilo city / region 10 (Northern Mindanao region): Cagayan de Oro city

(5) The Manila metropolitan area will continue to be designated as an area that imposes "Enhanced Community Isolation Measures (ECQ)" until August 20 and Bataan (Region 3 (Central Luzon)) until August 22. ..